Dr. Martine Delonnay ND
Dr. Martine Delonnay is a Naturopathic Physician in the State of RI and VT. She has practiced Conventional Medicine for many years in Haiti. Her integrative background contributes to her outstanding performance assisting her patients with improving their health.
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Visit types and pricing
New patient complete work up:
This is a 120 mn appointment in person. We establish a new patient, discuss about all the health parameters and proceed to the bioenergetic test. It is suitable for individual coming from afar or someone without much time for multiple appointments. Price: $299
Bioenergetic test:
Via the quantum organ analyzer, we measure the function or various organ systems, we assess the state of cells, we measure toxicity, allergies, nutrients ant more. It is a great tool to reach a plausible understanding of the changes in an individual's health. Dr. Delonnay have used it for years now to detect, assess and treat a variety of physical and energetic ailments in the body, even when they are not yet problematic. $110
Follow ups:
May be 60 to 120mn. Patients book follow up after a minimum of 6 weeks from the initial consult to review supplements, redirect the treatment or read and interpret lab results. When we add the bioenergetic test to reviewing the state of health, it becomes a complete work up. Price: 60mn: $110, 120mn for complete work up: $220
Constitutional hydrotherapy:
90mn. This is a detox and anti inflammatory treatment that we perform in office, using a castor oil pack on the liver, an infrared sauna and we alternate of warm and cold towels to the chest and back. It is very relaxing and promote the repair of various systems: immune, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive and so on. Price: $110
30 mn phone call (follow up for established patients)
For individuals needing a prescription, having few questions or needing a second opinion. Price: $80
Other types of appointments are available, like Ozone therapy, Escharotic treatments, lymphatic drainage with cupping. They require an initial consultation and assessment prior to booking.
Emotional energy work sessions:
Usually 45mn. After understanding the need for the session, we start by harmonizing our desire for healing Love and together we ask for God’s Love. The client lays comfortably on the table and we proceed to the session. These healing sessions complement the functional medicine consultations offered by Naturopathic Medicine. They assist in shortening the body recovery times. We have also seen emotional transformation and total relaxation as remarkable results amongst others.
Price $110